Our offerings
The Registry Office is just your legal formality - you both sign a contract but your 'real' marriage means so much more.
Your Wedding in France will be celebrated in your own unique way, whether it is with your family and friends or just the two of you.
With our help, you can compose your own personal wedding ceremony for your special day.

The Loving cup
Share a glass of the local ‘blanquette’ as a symbol of sharing your lives together from now on.

The Sands of time
A single grain of sand is infinitesimal but combining them can create something long lasting just like your love.

Tying the knot
As in ancient times, fasten your hands together and remain forever lovingly ‘joined’ to one another.

The Unity candle
Bring your individual flames lovingly together to light your one ‘unity’ candle which you can keep to relight on each wedding anniversary
We will e-mail you our sample script to use as a framework, helping and advising you throughout the process to create you own personal ceremony.
You select the elements you wish to include and even add your own words creating your own personal and unique wedding.
We will also send you helpful hints in planning your ceremony.
We are happy to conduct a bi-lingual English / French ceremony.
Some or all of the elements below can be included in your ceremony but please let us know your thoughts:
There are no extra fees, the candles, goblet, sand jar and knot cord are included.

Bridal Procession
The Bridal Procession to your chosen music

Celebrants Welcome
Celebrants welcome & Introduction

A short Biography of the couple


Family Blessing
Parents’ & Friends Blessing of the
Bride & Groom

Candle of Unity
Sand Ceremony or lighting the
Unity Candle

Loving Cup
Sharing a loving cup

Knot Ceremony
Tying the Knot Ceremony

Declaration of the Marriage

Blessing & Exchange of

A poem read by a friend

Pronouncement & Blessing

The Signing
Signing the Marriage

Just Married !
Final Presentation:
Mr. & Mrs…!
An extract from our script …